Popular tablet operating systems include the Honeycomb, version of Google Android, mobile versions of Windows 7 and XP, and Apple's iPad OS. All of these operating systems have distinct advantages and disadvantages and all feature proprietary app stores which expand the capabilities of tablets. Apps include everything from games to specialized word processors and even instruments. Generally, apps make use of a tablet's touchscreen to deliver an experience that a user couldn't get from a typical computer.
As capacidades dos tablets podem ser expandidas com aplicativos proprietários.
A tela sensível ao toque do tablet oferece a mesma experiência que nos computadores típicos.
Honeycomb e iPad OS são sistemas operacionais de tablets populares.
Todos os sistemas operacionais dos tablets possuem vantagens e desvantagens distintas.
Instrumentos, jogos e processadores de palavra são tipos de aplicativos para os tablets.
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