Questão número 634398

According to text II, mark the correct alternative.

  • A. In the sentence “Water security is the gossamer that links together the web of food” (lines 1 and 2), the word “gossamer” can be correctly replaced by source with no difference in meaning.
  • B. The sentence “The volatility in food prices in 2008 should be treated as an early warning sign of what is to come.” (lines 9 and 10) is in the passive voice. In the active voice, it can be written like this: As an early warning sign of what is to come should treat the volatility in food prices in 2008.
  • C. In the fragment “over the past 50 years or so” (lines 15 and 16), the expression “or so” means in an accurate manner.
  • D. In the sentence “This set of regional challenges becomes a fast-approaching global crisis” (lines 23 and 24), the word “crisis” is in its singular form. In fact, in its plural form, it will show the same spelling.
  • E. The word “stark”, in the sentence “The financial crisis gives us a stark warning” (lines 42 and 43), implies that the financial crisis gives us a complete warning.
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