Questão número 635318

When relating the ideas in Text I with those in Text II, one concludes that the

  • A. author of Comment 1, U.N., has a view that is contrary to that manifested by the author of Text I in terms of a country’s economic standards.
  • B. author of Comment 2, T. McK, supports the argument on the relation between economic growth and foreign workforce exposed in Text I.
  • C. author of Comment 1, U.N., and the author of Comment 3, J.I., side with the author of Text I about immigration and economic development.
  • D. authors of Comments 2 and 3, T. McK and J.I., respectively, oppose the view on the relation between economic development and rates of immigration expressed in Text I.
  • E. three commentators agree with the perspective on the importance of immigration defended by the author of Text I.
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