Questão número 635996

Choose the alternative which is grammatically incorrect.

  • A.

    The new doubts about teachers have led to a state-by-state demand from legislators and citizen groups that teachers take special examinations to prove they are competent.

  • B.

    The push toward test teacher competency, however, depends less on Washington than on state and local governments. One of the most instructive battles fought over the issue occurred in Mobile.

  • C.

    We have children whose needs are complicated: a child in the third grade who has already been in 16 schools, children who need love and attention and disrupt the classroom to get it.

  • D.

    Teachers believe administrators tend to duck the subject of violence in the schools to avoid adverse publicity.

  • E.

    But it is more damaging to the country than the jargon of law, say, or even government, because it sabotages the use of clear writing and clear thinking by tens of thousands of teachers, and through them, hundreds of thousands of students.

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