Questão número 636167

“‘We are outraged,’ said Mong Gwang, a captain with the Kachin Independence Army, which controls large swaths of territory along the border with China” (l.26-28). In indirect speech, the sentence could read as follows:

  • A. Mong Gwang, a captain with the Kachin Independence Army, which controls large swaths of territory along the border with China, said that they are outraged.
  • B. The Kachin Independence Army, which controls large swaths of territory along the border with China, said that captain Mong Gwang was outraged.
  • C. The Kachin Independence Army, which controls large swaths of territory along the border with China, said that captain Mong Gwang was outraged.
  • D. “We are outraged”. That was said by Mong Gwang, a captain with the Kachin Independence Army, which controls large swaths of territory along the border with China.
  • E. Mong Gwang, a captain with the Kachin Independence Army, which controls large swaths of territory along the border with China, said they were outraged.
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