Questão número 636267

Check the item in which the words in bold type express an idea of purpose.

  • A.

    "She'll check databases (…) but rarely books, even though

    she admits that an author who spent years on a 300-page

    book might have a unique perspective". (lines 24-27).

  • B.

    "Otherwise, they might as well not exist". (line 32).

  • C.

    "… Yahoo and Microsoft are committing hundreds of

    millions of dollars collectively to scan books and other

    printed materials so they can be indexed and retrieved

    online." (lines 35-38).

  • D.

    "Meanwhile, television shows formerly locked up in

    network or studio vaults are starting to emerge online".

    (lines 39-40).

  • E.

    "Instead of wasting time finding information, they can

    focus more on assessing its worth." (lines 60-62).

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