Questão número 636274

Mark the alternative that contains an expression that is a correct replacement for the boldfaced item(s).

  • A. "Yet getting them to assess intelligently what people mean from what they say…" (lines 3-5) – For that reason
  • B. "(unless, that is, someone is talking about the healthy bacteria …)" (lines 13-14) – nevertheless
  • C. "Words such as 'never', 'failed', and 'prevent' are tagged as 'changing' or 'reversive' words…" (lines 25-27) – Inasmuch as
  • D. "...because they reverse the sentiment of the word they precede." (lines 27-28) – Since
  • E. "Instead of simply adding up the number of positive and negative mentions for each concept," (lines 54-55) – While
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