Questão número 636395

"Current-account deficit" (line 27) means a deficit in the current account. Check the option in which the phrase is INCORRECTLY explained.

  • A.

    A risk-taking, hard-working financial advisor = a financial advisor who takes risks and works hard.

  • B.

    A four-million-dollar twelve-storey building = a building with twelve stories that is worth four million dollars.

  • C.

    A three-hundred-page, double-spaced report = a report that has three hundred pages and is written with double space.

  • D.

    Twenty green-colored ten-dollar bills = twenty bills of ten dollars, in the color green.

  • E.

    Three financially-troubled government-owned companies = three financial companies that have caused troubles to the government.

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Provas e Concursos

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