Questão número 637172

           Rankine notes that adhesion is useful in helping ground stand up in temporary work but plays no part in his design, which is consistent with Coulomb s law. Adhesive or cemented strength may arise as small creep strains occur and as bonds develop in undisturbed sedimentary soils, but any such bonds are, in Rankine s view, destroyed by weathering, and in Coulomb s view destroyed by remoulding. These two founders of soil mechanics are in agreement.

Adaptado de: Andrew N.Schofield Disponível em: Acessado em: 13/04/2007.

According to the passage, Rankine and Coulomb

  • A.

    do not agree on soil mechanics.

  • B.

    did not develop consistent methods.

  • C.

    are in accord.

  • D.

    dispute the authorship of Coulomb s law.

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