Questão número 637239

Read the text below in order to answer questions 31 to 35


The pluriannual Plan of the Federal Government for the years 2000-2003 has chosen regional integration as one of the main themes of Brazilian foreign policy due to its importance for the country's competitive insertion in the global economy. Regional integration, which comprises the deepening of the relations with other Mercosur Member States and the establishment of a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), is necessary in order to attract productive investment, to create opportunities for employment and to facilitate access to new sources of technology. This growing interdependence has led to an increase in the international activities of different bodies at all levels, such as state and local governments, NGOs and private enterprises, thus requiring a greater effort of coordination by the Ministry of External Relations.

The length of the Pluriannual Plan of the Federal Government

  • A. will be determined
  • B. is clearly set
  • C. is not clear
  • D. was extended
  • E. is yet to be defined.
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