Questão número 637280

As questões de números 8 e 9 referem-se ao texto que segue.

Arrange these parts into a coherent paragraph.

I. The waste sludge, which has been significantly reduced in volume, can then either be disposed of via landfill,

II. an oil product with solids reduced to an acceptable level (the specifications are 0.3-0.8%),

III. In this particular application, accumulated tank bottoms have been pumped into sludge dams.

IV. and separates the feed into two streams,

V. or reduced to an even smaller, completely inert waste stream using carbonization.

VI. and a waste sludge with solids higher than 65%.

VII. The plant recovers the crude tank bottoms sludge from the dams,

  • A.

    VII - VI - III - I - IV - II - V

  • B.

    I - II - IV - V - VII - VI - III

  • C.

    I - VI - VII - IV - II - V - III

  • D.

    III - I - V - VII - IV - II - VI

  • E.

    III - VII - IV - II - VI - I - V

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