Questão número 637525

Douglas Brown in his book Principles of Language Learning and Teaching says that: " The Input Hypothesis, a major offshoot of Krashen's Monitor Model, claims that an important "condition for language acquisition to occur is that the acquirer understand (via hearing or reading) input language that contains structure 'a bit beyond' his or her current level of competence (1981a:100). (...) An important part of the Input Hypothesis is Krashen's recommendation that speaking not be taught directly or very soon in the language classroom. Speech will "emerge" once the acquirer has built up enough comprehensible input. Krashen further claims that the best acquisition will occur in environments where anxiety is low and defensiveness is absent". (p.280) We can infer that:

  • A.

    adults learn faster than children because they "affective filter" is lower than the children's one;

  • B.

    second language learning clearly is a process in which speaking is the ultimate goal since the very beginning of the process;

  • C.

    Krashen's theories have been criticized because they have little to do with the Monitor Model;

  • D.

    if an acquirer is at stage or level i, the input he or she understands should contain i + 1;

  • E.

    Krashen believes that input should be so far beyond the acquirer's reach that he or she is overwhelmed.

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