Questão número 637536

Listening is one of the four language skills and it involves understanding spoken language. Match the columns about some different ways of listening and their purpose:

1. What time does Liz get up? Listen and find out.

2. Listen to these words. Are they the same or different?

3. Listen to the advertisement and decide what is being advertised.

4. Draw a boy according to what you hear.

5. Listen and underline the word the speaker says most strongly.

a. Listening for individual sounds.

b. Listening for gist.

c. Listening for specific information.

d. Listening for sentence stress.

e. Listening for detail.

  • A.

    1.e - 2.b - 3.c - 4.a - 5. d

  • B.

    1.a - 2.b - 3.c - 4.d - 5.e

  • C.

    1.d - 2.c - 3.b - 4.e - 5. a

  • D.

    1.c - 2.a - 3.b - 4.e - 5. d

  • E.

    1.b - 2.e - 3.d - 4.c - 5. a

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