Questão número 637772

A seguinte afirmação apresenta considerações acerca do projeto de máquinas elétricas.

“There are numerous inherent shortcomings to the concept of magnetic circuits, except for the fact that it is the easiest design tool available for calculating fluxes in practical machinery design. Although the use of Maxwell’s equations produces exact results, this method demands considerable effort and does not present significant benefits, when compared to the results produced by the magnetic circuits’ method.”

Assinale a alternativa que melhor descreve a afirmação.

  • A.

    It is important to use Maxwell’s equations for calculating fluxes in practical machinery design, since the concept of magnetic circuits has many limitations.

  • B.

    The limitations of machinery design are related with the use of Maxwell’s equations, instead of the concept of magnetic circuits.

  • C.

    The concept of magnetic circuits produces satisfatory results, and the use of Maxwell’s equations could be avoided.

  • D.

    Machinery design has numerous inherent limitations when developed with the use of magnetic circuits. Therefore, Maxwell’s equations could be avoided in order to produce significant results.

  • E.

    It is necessary to use the concept of magnetic circuits, in order to obtain exact results when calculating fluxes in practical machinery desing. The use of Maxwell’s equations must be limited to actual machinery design.

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