Questão número 638231

Check the only alternative that presents a statement that is INCONSISTENT with the arguments and reasoning introduced in the text you have read.

  • A.

    62 percent of professionals report that they spend a lot of time sifting through irrelevant information to find what they need; 68 percent wish they could spend less time organizing information and more time using the information that comes their way.

  • B.

    Workers admit that not being able to lay their hands on the right information at the right time impedes their ability to work efficiently; 85 percent agree that not being able to access the right information at the right time is a huge time-waster.

  • C.

    More than 80 percent of the survey participants admit they have no problem in handling increases in information flow because they have learned to sort the important messages.

  • D.

    While an average workday for white-collar workers is 8.89 hours, the survey finds that, on average, 7.89 working hours are used conducting research, attending meetings, and searching for previously created documents.

  • E.

    Though white-collar professionals, in general, spend an average of 2-3 hours daily conducting online research, at least one in 10 spend four or more hours with the same task on an average day.

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