Questão número 638369

The expression in boldtype expresses an addition in

  • A.

    “Besides surfing, tourism and the ocean views, California may get another benefit from its famed coast: energy.” (lines 1-3)

  • B.

    “If it is built, devices would convert the wave’s energy into electricity,” (lines 17-19)

  • C.

    “California will have to wait a few years, however, to see if wave energy will help the state meet its goal for a third of its energy needs…” (lines 23-25)

  • D.

    “Currently there are few projects around the world that generate electricity from the ocean.” (lines 36-37)

  • E.

    “PG&E estimates that together they produce about 300 megawatts of power, less than a single mid-sized coal plant.” (lines 37-39)

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