Questão número 638380

Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.

Dentre as alternativas abaixo, qual delas NÃO representa o sentido com que entitlement em entitlement spending é usado no texto?

  • A. Funding levels that are automatically set by the number of eligible recipients, not at the discretion of Congress.
  • B. A funding program in which costs grow each year without Congressional review.
  • C. A funding stream that Congress is committed to spend - it is mandatory for Congress to meet that obligation.
  • D. Funding that the federal government is committed to spend by the structure and language of the authorizing legislation. As a result, it is not subject to the annual appropriations process.
  • E. Funding for which the authorizing legislation will set an authorized amount, but whether that amount is actually appropriated each year is subject to the discretion of Congress.
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