Questão número 638725

Based on the text, judge the items below.

I It took time for PETROBRAS to become interested in the forthcoming oil exploitation offshore São Tomé and Príncipe.

II In Africa, PETROBRAS has only been operating in countries that are far away from each other.

 III PETROBRAS sent a group of delegates to try to reach an agreement with São Toméan authorities.

 IV Talks between the PETROBRAS' authorities and a São Toméan minister took place over the weekend.

V Pana is supposed to carry out oil exploitation business with the São Toméan's representatives as soon as it can.

The only true items are

  • A.

    I and III.

  • B.

    I and V.

  • C.

    II and III.

  • D.

    II and IV.

  • E.

    IV and V.

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