Questão número 638726

According to the text, judge the following items.

I It is still being discussed how PETROBRAS is to begin to take part in the oil exploitation activities in São Tomé and Príncipe.

II PETROBRAS has become involved in several bid rounds either to explore or exploit oil in São Toméan waters.

 III Last year, PETROBRAS didn't make any offer to work in a joint development zone shared by Nigeria and São Tomé and Príncipe.

 IV São Tomé and Príncipe would rather have other international oil companies exploiting or exploring its oil sector than PETROBRAS.

The only true items are

  • A.

    I and II.

  • B.

    I and III.

  • C.

    II and IV.

  • D.

    I, III and IV.

  • E.

    II, III and IV.

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