Questão número 638825

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 38 according to it.




In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct. In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

I. ECLAC gives suggestions on how to better integrate Latin America and the Caribbean.

II. Doha Round has showed difficulties concerning trade negotiations.

III. ECLAC urges developing nations to achieve a successful conclusion in the Doha Round.

IV. Doha Round has nothing to do with countries such as China and the US.

  • A.

    All sentences are incorrect.

  • B.

    There is only one correct sentence.

  • C.

    There are only two correct sentences.

  • D.

    There is only one incorrect sentence.

  • E.

    All sentences are correct.

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