Questão número 638920

Instruções: Para responder as questões de números 18 a 20, considere o texto abaixo.

Which is the best concluding remark for the above text?

  • A.

    TouchSmart style and design let down, but fast custom software and large screen size make up for an otherwise solid package.

  • B.

    TouchSmart style and design shine, but slow custom software and small screen size hamper an otherwise solid package.

  • C.

    TouchSmart style and design glow, but sluggish custom software and small screen size promote an otherwise solid package.

  • D.

    TouchSmart style and design make a splash, and speedy custom software and small screen size enhance this solid package.

  • E.

    TouchSmart style and design are disappointing, but swift custom software and good-sized screen upgrade this solid package.

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