Questão número 638983

Based on the information in the text, it is INCORRECT to say that

  • A.

    Dr. Maureen Litchveld feels that it is important to learn more about the immediate and future effects of oil extraction on the workers and surrounding population.

  • B.

    Dr. Nalini Sathiakumar considers that the civilians in the neighboring cities do not need to worry about seafood being contaminated.

  • C.

    Dr. Jeff Kalina believes that production workers involved in the field where the oil spill occurred run the risk of suffering from respiratory problems.

  • D.

    Dr. Robert Emery speculates whether the workers in the field of the disaster might need other devices to prevent further health problems.

  • E.

    Dr. Paul Lioy remarks that not all volunteers cleaning up the damage to the environment have received proper training on how to deal with such situations.

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