Questão número 638988

Concerning the referent to the pronoun it, in the fragments below,

  • A.

    in “It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.” (line 5), it refers to “beaker” (line 4).

  • B.

    in “The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this windfall wisely, is of falling victim to ‘Dutch disease.’ ” (lines 28-29), it refers to “danger” (line 28).

  • C.

    in “... Brazilian engineers see it as a new frontier.” (lines 59-60), it refers to “coast” (line 58).

  • D.

    in “making it harder for Brazilian exporters of manufactured goods.” (lines 75-76), it refers to “stream” (line 75).

  • E.

    in “ ‘it’s just going to be starved for those resources,’ says Harvard’s Prof Rogoff.” (lines 81-83), it refers to “China” (line 81).

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