Questão número 638990

The boldfaced item is synonymous with the expression in parentheses in

  • A.

    “Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something much more spectacular.” (lines 6-7) – (Thus)

  • B.

    “…neither the company nor the country’s oil industry has so far been big enough to become a government cash cow.” (lines 39-41) – (meanwhile)

  • C.

    “However, ‘if we have a firm and successful local content policy, no” (lines 52-53) – (Moreover)

  • D.

    “ ‘because other sectors in the economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras.’ ” (lines 53-54) – (due to the fact that)

  • E.

    “Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease will depend not just on how the money from the oil is spent.” (lines 66-68) – (Furthermore)

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