Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Fundação Professor Carlos Augusto Bittencourt (FUNCAB) - 2012
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
Mark the alternative that best summarizes the main ideas of the text.
The shift from 'education' to 'learning' in our present time implied that learners have now no obligation to attend regular classes or do tests at school.
The shift in emphasis towards lifelong learning in our present society means that learners are now given opportunities to be trained to be world leaders.
The recent changes in our society have had little impact on the concept of education, but one must acknowledge that learners nowadays are a lot more active than in the last century.
Over the last decades social changes worldwide have determined the shift of focus of education to lifelong learning, implying that learning can take place in different kinds of situations inside and outside the confines of formal educational contexts.
Although there have been great changes in the world's society lately, the concept of education remains the same as in the past century, with the only difference that schools are now promoting visits to museums, internships in companies and Internet assignments.
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