The author comments that the TBLT approach is an offshoot of CLT. In another section of his full article, he comments that CLT was a principled response to the perceived failure of [previous methods]. Read the following claims on ELT methodology/approaches.
I - The Audiolingual methods proclaimed goal of fostering communicative capability in the learner was based on the presentation-practice-production sequence.
II - CLT emphasizes language competence in terms of social interaction, considering the main linguistic principles of speech act theory, functional grammar, communicative competence, introduced by Austin, Halliday and Dell Hymes, respectively.
III - CLT was a theoretically based approach that reinforced the emphasis on the linguistic structures of the target language, as supported by the Audiolingual method.
IV - The Audiolingual method conveyed a largely structural orientation that relied on a rendering of pattern practices with pseudo-meaningful exchanges of scripted dialogues.
V - The Grammar-Translation method was grounded on the principles of American structuralist linguistics and behaviorist psychology in language teaching methods and materials.
Mark the alternative that contains only correct claims.
I, II and IV.
I, III and IV.
II, III and V.
I, II, III and V.
II, III, IV and V.
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