Questão número 640261

Passive voice CANNOT be found in the following paragraph:

  • A. “Negotiations have stumbled over the fundamental question of whether Myanmar will remain a united and highly centralized country controlled by the Burman ethnic group, or whether power will be devolved to minority groups.”
  • B. “Photos of the rebels’ corpses were widely circulated on the Internet.”
  • C. “We are outraged,” said Mong Gwang, a captain with the Kachin Independence Army, which controls large swaths of territory along the border with China. “This means further conflict is coming.”
  • D. “Myanmar has been locked in an intermittent civil war from its earliest days of independence from Britain in 1948, and a cease-fire is considered a crucial part of President Thein Sein’s stated desire to deliver it from its abject poverty and dictatorial past.”
  • E. “The shelling on Wednesday, which struck an officers’ training facility near the Chinese border that is run by the rebel group, the Kachin Independence Army, was the most severe flare- up of violence since rebels and government troops battled around the rebel capital, Laiza, two years ago.”
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