Questão número 640546

Based on the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture in 1998 (Secretaria de Educação Fundamental, 1998), choose the correct option.

  • A.

    The policies presented in the publication do not comprise the development of critical thinking.

  • B.

    The document proposes a curriculum which provides students with opportunities for acting in the world through discourses mainly offered by their mother tongue.

  • C.

    According to the new curricular parameters, language use is essentially determined by its sociointeractional nature, and meaning is dialogic.

  • D.

    The document focuses on traditional pedagogies by investing in the development of multicultural principles that can inform pedagogic work.

  • E.

    The document emphasizes skills development and focuses on standardized content.

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