Questão número 641123

Check the only item in which the boldfaced item introduces a contrast.

  • A. "The TEM framework can be used to inform about licensing requirements, … thus allowing the definition of competencies from a broader safety management perspective." (lines 7-11)
  • B.

    "Subsequently the TEM framework can be a useful tool in On-the-Job Training (OJT)." (lines 11-13)

  • C.

    "Originally developed for flight deck operations, the TEM framework can nonetheless be used at different levels and sectors within an organisation," (lines 21-23)

  • D. "It is therefore important, when applying TEM, to keep the user’s perspective in the forefront." (lines 24-26)
  • E.

    "Depending on ‘who’ is using TEM (i.e. front-line personnel, middle management, senior management, flight operations, maintenance, air traffic control)," (lines 26-29)

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