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We all know that reading books is a great way to learn English. What about if you dont like books, though? Reading a whole book can be tough and timeconsuming, especially if you arent interested in reading books in your native language. So, what can we learn from reading something other than a book? Here are some tips:
1- Newspapers use a wide range of vocabulary to describe the world around us. If you feel like you already know all the vocabulary in your textbook or online study course, pick up a newspaper and youll soon come across some new words to add to your vocabulary.
2- Most fields of business have English trade journals that people use to keep their professional knowledge up to date. If you are a teacher, get yourself a teaching journal or if you are an architect or designer, subscribe to an interesting design magazine. Reading about your area of work in English will help you learn all specialist English expressions you need to do your job in English.
3- Practise scanning, scanning for specific information in a text is an important skills to master in English. Practise it by reading product specifications in English. Set yourself a task to find out a specific piece of information about a product and see how quickly you can look it up.
4- Reviews are great for finding out which products to buy or which films to see. See if you can understand the gist (general idea) of a review by reading the review and guessing what score the reviewer will give the product out of ten. Check if your guess matches the reviewers rating at the bottom of the review.
5- Read instructions to learn how to describe processes. Describing how things work in English is an important skill. It also often comes up as a task in English exams such as IELTS, TOEFL or TOEIC. Next time you buy a new gadget, work out how to use it by reading the instructions in English. You will build your comprehension skills and learn how to describe the process of using something in English
Adaptado de: ENGLISH LIVE. Disponível em: https://englishlive.ef.com/blog/study-tips/can-learnenglish-reading/. Acesso em 25 mar. 2021.
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