Questão número 669255

Read these statements about the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), then choose the correct alternative:

    A) In the idea of BNCC, the English language becomes a language of "foreigner", coming from hegemonic countries, unrelated to the rest of the world.

    B) The new BNCC proposal considers only linguistic and cultural repertoires from English-speaking countries as a first language.

    C) BNCC starts to prioritize the focus of the social and political function of the English language and, in this sense, starts to treat it in its lingua franca status.

    D) In the view of BNCC, English teaching in the classroom is that spoken by Americans and British. The English of a person with an accent from a country where English is not spoken would only confuse the learning process.

    E) The BNCC foresees the teaching of the English language as the teaching of a second language with the objective of, in the future, making English the co-official language of Brazil.

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