Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.


Judge the following items, based on the text above.

In line 21, the word “one” refers to “ankle bone”.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

In the following fragment of Text I: “Less field maintenance in the North Sea and easing geopolitical tensions could also add further barrels in the coming two quarters.” (lines 31-33) the word quarters means a(an)

  • A. time unit equivalent to the fourth part of a year
  • B. time unit equivalent to the fourth part of an hour
  • C. time unit equivalent to four months of the year
  • D. volume measure unit equivalent to the fourth part of a gallon
  • E. American coin worth 25 cents of a dollar


Judge the following items, based on the text above.

When Achilles “compromised” (l.33), he refused to return to the battlefield.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

In the fragment of Text I “Less field maintenance in the North Sea and easing geopolitical tensions could also add further barrels in the coming two quarters.” (lines 31-33), the expression easing geopolitical tensions means geopolitical tensions that are

  • A. harmful
  • B. enhanced
  • C. alleviated
  • D. alleviated
  • E. fun to deal with

The opposite of “faster” in “would be faster” (l. )is:

  • A. slow;
  • B. slower;
  • C. quicker;
  • D. slowest;
  • E. quickest.


Judge the following items, based on the text above.

The verb form “shunned” (l.4) in this particular context means ignored, avoided, or rejected.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The expression from Text II upstream, midstream and downstream (lines 8-9) implies that investment programmes will be respectively directed to costs that involve

  • A. oil transportation by boat against water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat following water flow.
  • B. oil transportation by boat following water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat against water flow.
  • C. oil exploration and production / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
  • D. oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing.
  • E. oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.


Judge the following items, based on the text above.

The use of the construction “It was decided” (l.7) suggests that it cannot be known who made the decision.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

According to Text II, the statement “ongoing North American hydrocarbon revolution is a ‘game changer’.” (lines 14-15) suggests that the hydrocarbon revolution represents a

  • A. virtually endless source of energy
  • B. cost-benefit uninteresting source of energy
  • C. traditional technological stage in energy production
  • D. great economical switch associated with this source of energy
  • E. groundbreaking ecological stage in energy production


Judge the following items, based on the text above.

“Eventually” (l.9) means occasionally, not frequently.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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