Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

In the text, the meaning of pen is

  • A. an instrument for writing or drawing.
  • B. a writer or an author.
  • C. the clitinous internal shell of a squid.
  • D. a fenced enclosure for animals.
  • E. any of various enclosures, used for a variety of purposes.

"O agronegócio respondeu em 2007 por cerca de 24% da sconomia brasileira."(lines 6-7) Which of the following presents a correct semantic correspondent in standard English to the sentence above?

  • A.

    By 2007, the farming industry had generated almost 24 per cent of Brazil's economy.

  • B.

    In 2007, agribusiness accounted for approximately 24 per cent of the Brazilian economy.

  • C.

    Agricultural production amounted to somewhat less than 24% of Brazilian economics.

  • D.

    Agricultural business represented in 2007 short of 24% of Brazilian economics.

  • E.

    Business in agriculture stood for over 24% of the economy of Brazil in 2007.

The words in the groups below have either a positive or a negative meaning, according to their usage in the text. Check the alternative in which the group is NOT formed ONLY by either positive OR negative words.

  • A. eyesore – frustrating – uninteresting.
  • B. squatters – pester – unbidden.
  • C. onslaught – troubleshooting – revamped.
  • D. inopportune – overflow – distracting.
  • E. intrusive – dense – belligerent.

Which pair presents an INADEQUATE translation into English of the fragment taken from the text?

  • A.

    "E ainda compensou o comportamento praticamente estável..." (lines 21-22) / And yet it compensated the hardly stable behavior...

  • B.

    "A julgar pelo comportamento do setor..." (line 25) /Judging from the behavior of the sector…

  • C.

    "Só nos primeiros seis meses de 2008, (line 40) / Only in the six first months of 2008…

  • D.

    "Vale a pena destacar o crescimento..." (line 43) / It is worth noting the growth…

  • E.

    "Por conta do aumento da demanda pelo etanol," (lines 44-45) / Due to rising demand for ethanol…

According to the text,

  • A. Notification Area was how the System Tray was named in Windows Vista.
  • B. the System Tray has undergone a few changes in Windows 7, but it has always been a useful feature.
  • C. the main task of the System Tray has been – and still is – to alert users of potential security problems.
  • D. one of the outstanding features of Windows 7 concerns its changes to the System Tray.
  • E. applets, in Windows 7, are dumped into the Taskbar rather than into the System Tray.

A semantic equivalent in English for the excerpt "(mais de um terço de tudo o que o Brasil exportou no ano passado)." (lines 37-38) is

  • A.

    Up to one third of all Brazilian exports in the preceding year.

  • B.

    Over one third of everything exported to Brazil the previous year.

  • C.

    More than one third of everything Brazil exported last year.

  • D.

    No further than one third of everything Brazil exported the past year.

  • E.

    Above one third of all that was exported from Brazil the following year.

According to the text,

  • A. Windows 7’s Security Center issues warnings from the OS, but the user can turn them off.
  • B. although the Action Center does issue alerts, it allows users to deal with them at their convenience.
  • C. both the System Tray and the Notification Area are Windows 7’s most positive features.
  • D. Windows Vista was the most intrusive OS in all of Windows history.
  • E. in the past, Windows did not interrupt users’ work to alert them about unused icons on their desktop.

This text refers to questions 40 to 43.

From the previous text, it can be inferred that Oriana Fallaci

  • A.

    seemed at times defenceless, vulnerable, and child-like.

  • B.

    had just quit smoking cigarettes.

  • C.

    tried deliberately to use the music-like quality of her mother tongue to lure her interviewers.

  • D.

    grew tired of the Vietnam War.

  • E.

    had become a close friend of the Italian Ambassador in Hanoi at the time of the war.

This text refers to questions 44 to 47.

Based on the text above, it can be said that the relationship established between the ideas of "unfailingly courteous" (l.9) and "cross" (l.10) is one of

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


This text refers to questions 44 to 47.

In the fragment, "even capabilities cannot always trump other values" (l.18-19), the verb "trump" means

  • A.

    to be bracketed with.

  • B.

    to foster.

  • C.

    to vie against.

  • D.

    to prevail over.

  • E.

    to hold on to.

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