Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2010
Based on the text, judge — right (C) or wrong (E) — the items below.
The university the author attended can be described as a place where neither the teaching staff nor school officials exacted blind obedience from students.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2010
Based on the text, judge — right (C) or wrong (E) — the items below.
The author clearly underscores the striking resemblance the Nationalist Party of South Africa bears to its Nazi counterpart.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2010
Based on the text, judge — right (C) or wrong (E) — the items below.
Students decided to burlesque Botha's performance as an ineffectual and chicken-hearted foreign minister by doing a ludicrous and crude imitation of a bird.
The main purpose of Text 1 is to
convince the reader that the electricity generated from the Pacific ocean will help increase tourism.
examine the several obstacles that prevent the development of the wave industry in California.
criticize the programs on wave energy that will require large investments to be implemented.
announce a new source of renewable energy that may help supply future power needs in California.
discuss the importance of the American Airforce energy program for power supply in Santa Barbara.
According to Text 1, PG&E
has studied the generation of energy from tides for several years.
is responsible for the supply of most of Californias energy needs.
will conduct expensive studies to investigate the power generated from waves.
has developed a wave energy program to replace the wind energy projects of the past.
has been successful in generating 100 megawatts of electricity from waves in California.
Analyzing the numerical figures in Text 1,
745 miles (line 4) refers to the total extension of the California coast.
more than 37,000 megawatts (lines 5-6) refers to the power already generated by California waves.
2020. (line 26) refers to year when wave energy alone will supply most of Californias energy needs.
more than $7 million, (lines 31-32) refers to the final cost of global studies on wave power.
1970s. (line 35) refers to the decade when the use of wind energy reached its peak.
Based on the meanings of the words taken from Text 1, the relationship in each pair is defined as
benefit (line 2) and advantage are antonyms.
famed (line 2) and well-known are synonyms.
convert (line18) and transform have opposite meanings.
infancy (line 33) and beginning express contradictory ideas.
generate (line 37) and consume express similar ideas.
The expression in boldtype expresses an addition in
Besides surfing, tourism and the ocean views, California may get another benefit from its famed coast: energy. (lines 1-3)
If it is built, devices would convert the waves energy into electricity, (lines 17-19)
California will have to wait a few years, however, to see if wave energy will help the state meet its goal for a third of its energy needs (lines 23-25)
Currently there are few projects around the world that generate electricity from the ocean. (lines 36-37)
PG&E estimates that together they produce about 300 megawatts of power, less than a single mid-sized coal plant. (lines 37-39)
Julgue se os itens a seguir, escritos em língua inglesa, estão técnica e gramaticalmente corretos.
A middleware system is one that serves as interface between other systems, so we could say that a translator program works like a middleware.
According to Text 2, wave-power is, at present,
a cost-effective form of generating energy.
cheaper than wind power but more efficient.
a renewable form of energy only for beach houses.
at a developmental stage and commercially unviable.
the only possible alternative energy source for Portugal.
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