Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Based on the text, judge the items below.

Half a century ago, herbal medicine and simple inorganic compounds were the most efficient treatments found.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Judge the following items according to the text.

The efforts to stop the attacks have forced the pirates to shrink the area of their activities.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 96 a 100, considere o texto a seguir.

Evidence for the connection mentioned in the first paragraph has been provided

  • A.


  • B.

    in Texas.

  • C.

    in Georgia.

  • D.

    in Alabama.

  • E.


Based on the text, judge the items below.

The World Health Organization has shown interest in alternative therapies.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Judge the following items according to the text.

All of Somalia's pirates come from one region, what makes their interdiction quite easy.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 96 a 100, considere o texto a seguir.

According to the text,

  • A.

    Georgia decided to serve only two meals three times a week to save on food costs.

  • B.

    some prisoners' advocates claim inadequate meals or portions violate inmates' constitutional rights.

  • C.

    the Morgan County sheriff managed to save $200,000 on prison food by inadequately feeding his inmates.

  • D.

    inmates suffering from diabetes or any other serious illnesses should be given special dietary meals.

  • E.

    complaints about prison food have been filed in just a few states so far.

Based on the text, judge the following items.

Amnesty International is an organization spread all over the world.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 96 a 100, considere o texto a seguir.

The text argues that

  • A.

    the US should invest in adequate prison facilities so as to reduce inmates' violence.

  • B.

    cutbacks in the number of meals are only acceptable if food quality and calories are not endangered.

  • C.

    prisons which serve spoiled or inedible food to their inmates should be severely punished.

  • D.

    perpetrators of non-violent crimes should not be imprisoned.

  • E.

    prisons must find less costly ways of looking after their inmates.

Based on the text, judge the following items.

To a certain extent, Amnesty International is not linked to any governmental institution.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the text, it is correct to affirm that

IT groups are being asked to cut maintenance costs so as to help save money.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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