Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Based on the text, it can be concluded that

a foreign language environment is that one found by a Brazilian learning English in the USA.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

According to Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets, in Paragraph 5 (lines 38-44),

  • A.

    society as a whole lacks experienced professionals capable of detaining the information growth.

  • B.

    professionals feel burdened by the present data overflow because they have not learned how to deal with this new business scenario.

  • C.

    future professionals are properly trained in college and are given enough practice in dealing with digital communication tools.

  • D.

    businessmen are on the verge of a crisis as they have to learn to deal with an excess of tools and training methods to intensify the information burden.

  • E.

    businessmen have avoided the information overload in order to stop working on weekends.

According to the text, it can be said that

I alternative fuels will be a substitute for petroleum.

 II Brazil was already doing what Nixon was pledging.

III Brazil succeeded in reducing its petroleum based fuel consumption by cars by around 50%.

IV Brazilian tremendous effort to produce ethanol is as salutary as it is announced.

V alcohol is neither suitable to replace diesel fuel nor heating oil.

The total number of true items is

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


In the text,

"much" (l.1) can be replaced by many.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on Ellen Kossek's analysis in Paragraph 6 (lines 45-53),

  • A.

    multitasking has brought alarming consequences to modern society.

  • B.

    widespread technology has only brought benefits to human beings.

  • C.

    working on planes and coffee shops on weekends is a strategy of seduction.

  • D.

    all technology workers have been diagnosed with attention-deficit disorders.

  • E.

    excessive work makes professionals more effective in the age of 24-7 technology.

Based on the text, choose the correct option.

  • A.

    About 80% of the liquid fuels used in Brazil come from ethanol.

  • B.

    No disadvantages can be found in the use of ethanol when compared with the use of petroleum.

  • C.

    The use of great quantities of ethanol may also be harmful.

  • D.

    Corn prices will become lower once the demand for it increases.

  • E.

    There is no relation whatsoever between the price of corn and that of hamburgers.

In the text,

"readily" (l.14) is synonymous with promptly.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Which option describes accurately the meaning relationship between the pairs of words?

  • A.

    "actually" (line 9) means rarely.

  • B.

    "curtail" (line 11) is the opposite of reduce

  • C.

    "overwhelmed" (line 34) and unaffected are synonymous.

  • D.

    "immediacy" (line 41) and proximity are antonyms

  • E.

    "spawned" (line 47) could be replaced by generated.

According to the text, it can be concluded that

  • A.

    the American serious worry about becoming independent of foreign oil is pointless, in a way.

  • B.

    energy independence and globalization are not related issues.

  • C.

    the fast exploitation of domestic oil will make it possible for the USA to get rid of foreign imports.

  • D.

    American's will is all that is required to overcome the difficulties in importing oil.

  • E.

    the USA is able to get free from foreign oil.

In the text,

"those" (l.13) refers to "contexts" (l.13).

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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