Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Galloping Hessian (l.13) loam should be rich in salt.Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
According to the text, judge the following items.
Language is part of culture as well as it reflects culture.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
Sageman believes that, in dealing with terrorism, America is in a better position than Europe.
The text opens with
references to the past.
outlooks for the future.
warnings to the reader.
complaints about the web.
suggestions for changes.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
In the text, snapped (l.6) means took a quick photograph.Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
According to the text, judge the following items.
Culture is a broad concept which is inherently tied to many of the linguistic concepts taught in second language classes.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
Sageman uses the strategy of mentioning other authors to support his estimates.
According to the text, social media is spreading because it
allows fast exchanges.
helps political manifestations.
solves social problems.
creates links between people.
promotes new markets.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
Based on the text, judge the items below.
There is more than one way of collecting and understanding information and finding answers to ones question besides research.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
According to the text, judge the following items.
In order to truly master the language students have also to master the cultural contexts in which the language occurs.
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