Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The adjective "solar" (line 34) derives from the noun "sun". Check the item in which there is the same adjective/noun relationship.

  • A. Quickly – quick.
  • B. Producer – product
  • C. Renewable – nonrenewable
  • D. Consume – consumption
  • E. Powerful – power.

Answer questions 25 to 30 according to the following text.

I. Among the projects supported by APEX-Brazil are the ones which cover all of Brazilian territory.

II. Consortium and cooperative are forms of organization that do not receive the support given by APEX-Brazil.

III. PSI is dedicated to those companies that act only in a certain sector of the industrial economy.

IV. PI is dedicated to promoting international companies.

  • A.

    All sentences are incorrect.

  • B.

    There is only one correct sentence.

  • C.

    There are only two correct sentences.

  • D.

    There is only one incorrect sentence.

  • E.

    All sentences are correct.

Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.

Nas questões 51 a 53, a palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é

  • A. However.
  • B. When.
  • C. Although.
  • D. Therefore.
  • E. If.

The narrator of the text

views education as an important step toward making progress in life.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Answer questions 25 to 30 according to the following text.

I. A segment group is a unit consisting of specialized people.

II. The first step in the process is the analysis made by a segment group.

III. Segment groups help improve the quality of the projects.

IV. Evaluation is made by the segment groups after the projects are applied and put into action.

  • A.

    All sentences are incorrect.

  • B.

    There is only one correct sentence.

  • C.

    There are only two correct sentences.

  • D.

    There is only one incorrect sentence.

  • E.

    All sentences are correct.

Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.

O projeto de lei de que trata o texto

  • A. pode economizar 35 bilhões de dólares aos cofres públicos americanos.
  • B. vem sendo negociado há mais de cinco anos.
  • C. vai reduzir em 35 bilhões de dólares os gastos excessivos do governo nas áreas de saúde e educação.
  • D. não contempla as fraudes no programa Medicaid.
  • E. mantém a proibição de prospecção de petróleo na reserva do Alasca.

The narrator of the text

succeeded in completing the eighth grade.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Answer questions 25 to 30 according to the following text.

The groups are organized by sectors, as listed here:

* Agribusiness 
* Home-wares and Construction 
* Entertainment and Services 
* Machinery and Equipment 
* Fashion 
* Technology and Health

I. Agriculture is one of the segment groups.

II. Clothing is related to one of the segment groups.

III. Medicines and softwares are related in a certain segment group.

IV. Offering fun is related to one of the segment groups.

  • A. All sentences are incorrect.
  • B. There is only one correct sentence.
  • C. There are only two correct sentences.
  • D. There is only one incorrect sentence.
  • E. All sentences are correct.

Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.

No texto, long-sought goal (2o parágrafo) significa

  • A. de amplo espectro.
  • B. de difícil realização.
  • C. de longa duração.
  • D. de há muito almejado.
  • E. de longo alcance.

According to the text above, judge the following items.

In order to make any changes on how the program works it is imperative to have access to the source code.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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