Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Based on the text, judge the following items.

Chiefs agree to the principle that intelligence can only be passed on to some special friends all over the world.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the text, judge the following items.

Believable and opportune intelligence can decisively replace the action of the police, even cruise missiles, and bombs.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The phrase "So do scientists," (line 2) means that:

  • A.

    King Lear comes from nothing, just as scientists do.

  • B.

    both scientists and King Lear teach us that nothing comes from nothing.

  • C.

    according to scientists, King Lear believes that nothing comes from nothing.

  • D.

    scientists tell us that fictional characters, like King Lear, come from nothing.

  • E.

    scientists teach us King Lear's beliefs about the origin of things.

Based on the text, judge the following items.

The CIA and FBI are yet to establish a process of information interchange.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Your answers to questions 16 and 17 must be based on the text below:

According to the text, Global Insurance Analyst

  • A.

    used to be a comprehensive insurance information source.

  • B.

    offers global information input for the insurance industry.

  • C.

    does not cater for the needs of the insurance professionals.

  • D.

    might soon be offering financial reports on the insurance industry.

  • E.

    should be updating its financial and economic data.

The "hardening of the arteries" (line 11) that can be opposed by leaders (line 11) is a metaphor that refers to:

  • A.

    a need to increase bureaucracy in order to produce innovations.

  • B.

    the increasingly fixed structure of organizations and society.

  • C.

    the uncontrollable growth of certain segments of society.

  • D.

    important barriers that are impossible to overcome.

  • E.

    unfriendly attitudes within certain organizations.

Based on the text, judge the following items.

The USA surpasses other countries in terms of technical intelligence collection.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Your answers to questions 18 to 21 must be based on the text below:

According to the author, catastrophe exposure databases need to be

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Mark the correct statement concerning the function of the text paragraphs.

  • A.

    Paragraph 1 affirms that the concept of innovation is impossible to explain.

  • B.

    Paragraph 2 analyzes all the obstacles faced by creative people in society.

  • C.

    Paragraph 3 provides evidence that creative people are never found in organizations.

  • D.

    Paragraph 4 describes how creative people function and stresses the key role they can play in the workplace.

  • E.

    Paragraph 5 complains that traditional education is not prepared to accept real leaders.

Based on the text, it can be deduced that

not every piece of information is worth pursuing.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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