Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
A conjunção However, no primeiro parágrafo, pode ser substituída sem alteração de sentido por
Read the text below in order to answer questions 56 to 60:
According to the text, a major concern at the moment is how to
increase taxation imposed on commerce via the telegraph
exempt companies from paying taxes derived from e.commerce
audit those companies which sell via the telegraph
impose levies on commercial transactions made through the Internet
finance e.commerce via the Internet until it reaches $1.3 trillion
Following a string of embarrassing security glitches, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates this week announced a major strategy shift to focus on security and privacy and restore confidence in the company's software. (Silicon, Jan.2002)
According to the passage:
Confidence in his company's software has been so high that Bill has decided a major strategy shift in Microsoft's security policy.
Bill Gates has denied that any security problem has in fact occurred so far but has taken steps to prevent them from happening.
In response to security problems, Bill Gates has announced a new focus on security and privacy.
Bill Gates has this week dismissed the need for any major change in Microsoft's focus on security and privacy.
A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna II é
Read the text below in order to answer questions 56 to 60:
has been studied and negotiated through the Internet
would stabilize the commerce via the Internet
could be caused by the basic characteristics of the Internet
would generate severe sanctions on e.commerce
will represent a source of concern by the year 2003
According to sources, CEOs of the computer industry – many of whom have faced severe criticism lately – have promised to tackle the issue at once.
In the passage, WHOM refers to:
Computer industry.
Severe criticism.
CEOs of the computer industry.
Segundo o texto, mercadorias em trânsito
Read the text below in order to answer questions 56 to 60:
Which of the statements below does not reflect the content of the text?
In the 19th century, levies had not been created yet
$1.3 trillion is a possible figure concerning e.commerce in the future
Anonymity is one of the features of the Internet
Governments are worried about a decrease in tax-collection
The absence of frontiers is a reality in the Internet
According to a survey conducted by Gartner Group and the investment banking group Soundview Technology, Inc., technology budgets of U.S. businesses will rise 1.5 percent in 2002 over 2001 budgets. For 2001, IT spending at these companies was 2.5 percent ahead of 2000 levels, but it was down from a planned 8 percent increase. "We expected a slowdown on the rate of budget growth," says Al Case, senior vice president of Gartner Group. "I was surprised that it was still positive for next year." (CIO, Dec. 2001) According to the text:
O significado do verbo collapsing (1o parágrafo), conforme empregado no texto, é
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