Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2003

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2003 para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Speaking and writing are language practices characterized by being:

  • A.

    Practices of grammar.

  • B.

    Practices of comprehension.

  • C.

    Practices of sports.

  • D.

    Practices of production.

The Audio-lingual method was introduced in Brazil about 1971 with the technical teaching. It gives more importance to the language form and structure. It is based on the behaviorist psychology and the language teaching follows the sequence:

  • A.

    Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  • B.

    Reading, speaking, listening and writing.

  • C.

    Speaking, listening, writing and reading.

  • D.

    Reading, writing, speaking and listening.

About interdisciplinary teaching is WRONG to say that:

  • A.

    Interdisciplinarity demands a new pedagogy: the communication pedagogy.

  • B.

    Interdisciplinarity demands a reciprocal and mutual attitude.

  • C.

    It is a kind of substitution from a fragmentary conception to an unitary conception of the human being.

  • D.

    It's not feasible to teach a foreign language through an interdisciplinary way.

Learning a foreign language develops some important learning strategies for student's thinking and acquisition of systemized knowledge. These are memorization, cognitive and compensation strategies and they are important for:

  • A.

    Developing learning through scholar activities; developing student's confidence in learning a foreign language; producing and organizing thinking; respectively.

  • B.

    Storing verbal material and using it whenever it is needed; using and transforming the target language; and overcoming student's knowledge limits in all abilities, respectively.

  • C.

    Memorizing structures and vocabulary; learning all the abilities by repetition and deduction; transforming and negotiating the meaning of the target language, respectively.

  • D.

    Using and transforming the target language; helping students to appropriate knowledge from other cultures; developing grammar principles through inductive methods.

Besides the learning strategies discussed in the former question, learning a foreign language also develops important aspects of students' personality. The aspect which has nothing to do with students' personality is:

  • A. Self-confidence
  • B. Deduction
  • C. Affective control.
  • D. Self-esteem.

As questões de números 21 a 27 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

According to the text, cooperating with peers in foreign language classes involves

  • A.

    asking the teacher questions.

  • B.

    having conversations with students from more advanced classes.

  • C.

    performing activities with one's classmates.

  • D.

    working individually before doing group work.

  • E.

    helping less advanced learners from other classes.

As questões de números 21 a 27 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Pelos exemplos relatados, pode-se deduzir do texto que

  • A.

    Agnes prefere trabalhar individualmente nas aulas de francês.

  • B.

    Johanna e José têm dificuldade nos exercícios de compreensão oral nas suas aulas de inglês.

  • C.

    Barbro e Stefan mantêm conversas telefônicas com outros amigos que estão aprendendo inglês.

  • D.

    Lynda é aprendiz de alemão como língua estrangeira.

  • E.

    Jean-Louis e Sean estudam na mesma classe.

Instruções para as questões de números 28 a 39.

Estas questões referem-se ao texto abaixo

According to the text, corpus linguistics is

  • A.

    a collection of texts.

  • B.

    a combination of software tools.

  • C.

    a branch of linguistics.

  • D.

    a theory of language.

  • E.

    a methodology.

Instruções para as questões de números 28 a 39.

Estas questões referem-se ao texto abaixo

The statement that the co-selection of lexis and syntax is a new hypothesis about language implies that

  • A.

    only syntax is actually relevant in the study of language.

  • B.

    lexis has been neglected in the study of language.

  • C.

    syntax and lexis have always been studied together.

  • D.

    lexis and syntax used to be regarded as independent levels of language.

  • E.

    both syntax and lexis were largely ignored in earlier language studies.

Instruções para as questões de números 28 a 39.

Estas questões referem-se ao texto abaixo

From the text, it is possible to infer that the only alternative that is NOT related to corpus linguistics is

  • A.

    electronic collection of naturally occurring texts.

  • B.

    elicitation of large amounts of authentic data.

  • C.

    discovery of new facts about language.

  • D.

    computer software tools.

  • E.

    frequency studies.

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