Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2008

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2008 para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Read the text below entitled "Budget Discipline" in order to answer questions 51 – 53:

In paragraph 1, the text outlines that the defi cit cutting in half

  • A. is going to be an achievable goal.
  • B. has already been attained.
  • C. is part of the coming budgetary aims.
  • D. was an unattainable goal over the last year.
  • E. had been considered an unrealistic target.

Read the text below entitled "Budget Discipline" in order to answer questions 51 – 53:

In paragraph 1, as regards the defi cit reduction achievements, a strong economy is considered essential. In other words, it is seen as

  • A. pivotal.
  • B. not possible.
  • C. desirable.
  • D. achievable.
  • E. not crucial.

Read the text below entitled "Budget Discipline" in order to answer questions 51 – 53:

In paragraph 2, the text refers to 141 programs which

  • A. are likely to be implemented over the next 5 years.
  • B. aim at saving $12.0 billion in the long term.
  • C. might be either reduced or called off.
  • D. focus on fi ghting waste, fraud and abuse.
  • E. are on the verge of being approved and funded.

Read the text below entitled "External Audit" in order to answer questions 54 to 56:

In paragraph 1, the text reports that the EU's annual accounts and resource management are overseen by its external auditor. In other words, they

  • A. were audited by it.
  • B. had been supervised by it.
  • C. have been drawn by it.
  • D. will be devised by it.
  • E. are checked by it.

Read the text below entitled "External Audit" in order to answer questions 54 to 56:

In paragraph 1, the text informs that an annual report for the Council and the European Parliament

  • A. may be written.
  • B. should have been produced.
  • C. must be created.
  • D. is produced.
  • E. could be analyzed.

Read the text below entitled "External Audit" in order to answer questions 54 to 56:

The closing line of the text reports that the Court of Auditors is entitled to access all the documents in case. Therefore, it

  • A. holds the legal right to access them.
  • B. must obtain approval to look into them.
  • C. has to seek legal permission from the EU.
  • D. is the provider of all the papers in question.
  • E. is held accountable for their safety.

Read the text below entitled "Tackling Corruption for Growth and Development" in order to answer questions 57 - 60:

In paragraph 1, tackling corruption and the increase of national incomes are described as

  • A. minor governmental concerns.
  • B. dissociated matters.
  • C. major private initiatives.
  • D. unrelated issues.
  • E. closely linked.

Read the text below entitled "Tackling Corruption for Growth and Development" in order to answer questions 57 - 60:

In paragraph 2, institutions are said to be weakened by corruption. In other words, they

  • A. seem to be immune to this practice.
  • B. have the legal means to prevent it.
  • C. remain unaffected by this practice.
  • D. are undoubtedly affected by it.
  • E. are in charge of legally handling it.

Read the text below entitled "Tackling Corruption for Growth and Development" in order to answer questions 57 - 60:

According to the text, the effect of corruption on the decisions made by democratically elected governments is that these decisions

  • A. become more legitimate and effective.
  • B. gradually become less effective
  • C. are implemented in a shorter period of time.
  • D. gain both credibility and morale.
  • E. may lose legitimacy and credibility.

Read the text below entitled "Tackling Corruption for Growth and Development" in order to answer questions 57 - 60:

In paragraph 3, corruption is mentioned as

  • A. a tool to fi ght money laundering.
  • B. a weapon to combat a number of crimes.
  • C. prompting a number of crimes.
  • D. the main cause of drug traffi cking.
  • E. a tool against illegal acts.
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