Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2008

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2008 para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Based on the text, judge the items below.

More than eighty percent of the people hunger for basic changes.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the text, judge the items below.

Three decades ago, at most 24% of people didn't rely on the federal government.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The central theme of this text is the

  • A. use of handheld gaming devices and sites such as in schools.
  • B. decadence of the world's societies in sixty years, when today's kindergarteners will be retiring.
  • C. emergence of new forms of energy, advances in medicine and means of communication.
  • D. unlimited possibilities of globalization and emerging technologies that make the world a better place.
  • E. importance of developing innovative educational strategies to meet the needs of the students in the new century.

According to Dr. Douglas Kellner in Paragraph 2 (lines 5-10), the technological revolution of the 21st century

  • A. cannot change the way people live nowadays.
  • B. can mark the transition from an oral to a print culture.
  • C. has been unprecedented in the history of human societies.
  • D. will only bring negative consequences to the future generations.
  • E. will be less important to mankind than the invention of the printing press.

In "These issues lead to a need for students to be able to communicate," (lines 18-19), the expression "these issues" refers to the

  • A. emerging technologies that will have a huge impact on today's society.
  • B. social, economical and political problems that were solved locally in the past.
  • C. needs students have to communicate, function and innovate in the world of today.
  • D. importance of participating in real-life, real-world service learning projects that will make the world a better place
  • E. problems found in the contemporary world, such as global warming, famine, poverty and population explosion.

Mark the only option that states an important conclusion of the study conducted by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, reported on Paragraph 6 (lines 34-48).

  • A. Students should not be encouraged to multitask because it can lead to hyperactivity.
  • B. Children and adolescents spend more than six hours of their day using electronic devices.
  • C. Listening to music while surfing on the Web can be dangerous and harmful for students' studying habits.
  • D. No handheld video games and websites can help preschoolers learn colors, numbers, letters and spelling.
  • E. All contemporary school teachers make students use different technological devices to learn, such as PDAs, cellular phones, and handheld gaming devices.

Which option contains a correct correspondence of meaning?

  • A.

    "exciting' (line 3) and stimulating are synonymous.

  • B.

    "unlimited"(line 28) and endless are antonymous.

  • C. "advances" (line 30) could not be replaced by developments.
  • D.

    "ravaged" (line 30) and preserved have similar meanings.

  • E.

    "designing" (line 62) and planning indicate opposing ideas.

Which of the following expressions in italics introduces a contrast?

  • A. "… world filled with fantastic new problems as well as exciting new possibilities." (lines 3-4)
  • B. "We have no idea of what the world will look in five years, … yet we are charged with preparing our students for life in that world." (lines 12-14)
  • C. "…provide unlimited possibilities for exciting new discoveries and developments such as new forms of energy, medical advances, restoration of environmentally ravaged areas,"(lines 28-30)
  • D. "So, there must be a dramatic departure from the factorymodel education of the past." (lines 57-58)
  • E. "It is abandonment, finally, of textbook-driven, teachercentered, paper and pencil schooling." (lines 58-60)

Mark the only alternative that does NOT express a characteristic of the 21st century, according to the text.

  • A. Educators need to prepare students for a kind of life in the future that is unpredictable.
  • B. Schools will deal with a new generation of students that are motivated to ask questions and find their own answers.
  • C. Future generations of learners will be more familiar with technology than older generations of educators.
  • D. Students of the new century will need to create solutions for problems that will certainly become more dramatic in the near future.
  • E. Students will have to learn in an environment where education is textbook-driven, teacher-centered, and paper and pencil–based.

Based on the discussion presented in the text, a "culture of inquiry" (line 65) should

  • A. focus on learning about different nationalities.
  • B. reduce the large amount of time students spend multitasking.
  • C. restrict the young learners' use of different digital sources to access information.
  • D. develop an investigative attitude motivating students to construct knowledge, not just repeat information.
  • E. create new teaching methodologies focused on delivering information and following a pre-defined curriculum.
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