Lista completa de Questões sobre Gramática para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
According to the text, judge the following items.
In each language user uses his or her language(s) differently (l.6-7), the elements his and her indicate possession.Based on the comic strip, judge the items below.
By using what will you do, the teacher is asking the boy about his future actions. The phrase that can replace Put simply without change in meaning is:
Based on the comic strip, judge the items below.
Ill live someplace can be replaced by I should live someplace without changing the original meaning of the sentence.Based on the comic strip, judge the items below.
The word Enthralling expresses a quality the boy attributes to material.
Considere a seguinte definição:
Brinkmanship is the technique of pushing a dangerous situation to the limits of safety in order to secure the greatest advantage.
Em qual dos exemplos abaixo a palavra brinkmanship está empregada de forma incorreta?
No texto, o pronome sublinhado he refere-se a
According to the text above, judge the following items.
Without changing the meaning of the text, the fragment explains the basic rationale for instituting controls rather straightforwardly (l.16-17) could be correctly replaced with explains a common-sense approach to retain control instead of simply handing it over.
Judge the items below, based on the text above.
If the expression for all the (l.6) were replaced by despite the, the text would still be correct and the meaning of the sentence would be maintained, something that would not occur if it were replaced by if there is. In the sentence of the text: They will then be motivated to continue and keep learning (lines 9-10), the pronoun they refers to
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