Questões sobre Interpretação de Texto

Lista completa de Questões sobre Interpretação de Texto para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Based on the text, judge the items from 74 through 85.

Options can be a matter of one’s individual concern.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

This text refers to questions from 14 through 20.

As found in the text, it is correct to state that

  • A.

    the implementation of a redundant system depends, more than anything else, on software and firmware.

  • B.

    every built-in test is present in both software and firmware.

  • C.

    built-in tests have at most three functions.

  • D.

    one of the functions of software is to watch the clock.

  • E.

    one of the functions of software is to check the point.

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 66 a 70 considere o texto a seguir.

One can infer from the text that

  • A.

    there is consensus in China about the use of Green Dam.

  • B.

    the Chinese government claims that Green Dam will not be used for political purposes.

  • C.

    the Green Dam has been designed to block chiefly Chinese pornographic sites.

  • D.

    foreign computer makers have refused to preinstall Green dam in their machines.

  • E.

    the Chinese government does not expect users to refuse to install Green Dam.

According to what can be deduced fron the text, judge the items from 86 through 95.

Many people are in favour of press freedom, but not many news organizations adopt this concept.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

This text refers to questions from 14 through 20.

Based on the text, choose the incorrect option.

  • A.

    The main concerns in system redundancy implementation are also found in component redundancy implementation.

  • B.

    The redundancy of a critical component may help achieving reliability requirements.

  • C.

    In the redundant car braking system mentioned in the text, the master brake cylinder is redundant, whereas the brake pedal and linkage are not.

  • D.

    Failure can be avoided once a system redundancy is switched on.

  • E.

    The redundant brake system mentioned in the text could be considered to be a fault tolerant system.

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 66 a 70 considere o texto a seguir.

According to the text,

  • A.

    China will have Green Dam's vulnerabilities fixed instead of scrapping it.

  • B.

    Green Dam allows users to keep track of their Internet accesses.

  • C.

    Green Dam is equipped to detect malicious software.

  • D.

    Green Dam's vulnerabilities have not all been identified yet.

  • E.

    the Chinese government has ordered all technical criticisms to be taken back.

According to what can be deduced fron the text, judge the items from 86 through 95.

Editorial integrity may be subjected to strong personal interest.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 66 a 70 considere o texto a seguir.


  • A.

    has succeeded in eliminating all Green Dam's security breaches.

  • B.

    has ordered his students to try to create a botnet with a machine loaded with Green Dam.

  • C.

    and his students managed to identify all malicious consequences of using Green Dam.

  • D.

    crashed a machine loaded with Green Dam to prove how skilled his students were.

  • E.

    said that it would be possible to mine a user's personal data in a computer loaded with Green Dam.

According to what can be deduced fron the text, judge the items from 86 through 95.

In many places press freedom is greatly disapproved of.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

According to what can be deduced fron the text, judge the items from 86 through 95.

Either there is unlimited access to correct and true information, or all the other rights have their values hindered.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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