Questões sobre Interpretação de Texto

Lista completa de Questões sobre Interpretação de Texto para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The title indicates that deforestation results from:

  • A. soya farming;
  • B. pasture expansion;
  • C. heavy rainfalls;
  • D. government policies;
  • E. logging techniques.

figures in "quoting Brazilian Government figures" (l. 3) can be replaced by:

  • A. officials;
  • B. forms;
  • C. drawings;
  • D. politicians
  • E. numbers.

When the report says that "the escalation of European demand for beef" happens "amid fears of mad cow disease" (ll. 9/10), it means the escalation:

  • A. happens before the disease;
  • B. is concomitant with the disease;
  • C. takes place after the disease;
  • D. will follow the disease soon;
  • E. is preceded by the disease.

The fact that farmers are "making mincemeat out of rainforests" (ll. 16/17) means they are:

  • A. transforming them into beef;
  • B. exporting all their wood;
  • C. reducing them to tiny bits;
  • D. planting special trees;
  • E. separating special logs.

The underlined word in "as Brazil becomes free of foot and mouth disease" (ll. 26/27) has the same meaning as the underlined word in:

  • A. He started to run as he heard the shot;
  • B. He looked as if he would cry;
  • C. He prefers to run as he thinks best;
  • D. As for myself, I also started to run;
  • E. He ran as it were part of his job.

results from the integration of all aspects of design, production, control and computers.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

No texto, as it turns into the workshop of the world significa que a China

  • a.

    é um lugar conveniente para realizar um workshop mundial.

  • b.

    assemelha-se a uma grande fábrica mundial.

  • c.

    pode se transformar num perigo mundial.

  • d.

    pode vir a ser um modelo econômico para o mundo.

  • e.

    está se tornando a oficina do mundo.

technology is an attempt to cope with the changes in the market demands.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Which of the following statements is NOT confirmed in the text?

  • a.

    China's race to riches comes at a high cost to land and people.

  • b.

    China's environmental future will affect the world as a whole.

  • c.

    Naren's people rate among the poorest in the nation.

  • d.

    China is struggling with environmental problems.

  • e.

    China has been experiencing increasing economic growth.

systems early efforts were motivated by an ingenious drive for work reduction.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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