Questões sobre Interpretação de Texto

Lista completa de Questões sobre Interpretação de Texto para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Style is an extra feature that is present in:

  • A.

    both drives;

  • B.

    the Wiebe Tech's drive

  • C.

    the MicroGB;

  • D.

    the Cobra;

  • E.

    neither drive.

The clear plastic body of the Cobra lets the user see the circuit board and such a feature:

  • A.

    is a necessary condition to operate the drive;

  • B.

    helps the user diagnose potential malfunctions;

  • C.

    is just an aesthetic trait;

  • D.

    lets the user see the data being duplicated;

  • E.

    is definitely a must.

The author is advising his readers to choose th drive which:

  • A.

    is necessary;

  • B.

    draws their attention;

  • C.

    is more spacious;

  • D.

    is bus-powered;

  • E.

    meets their needs.

A technician's error severed Window users from Microsoft's update servers for five days, leaving .Net analysts questioning whether the software giant can deliver 24-7 services. (MSNBC, Jan.2002)

According to the passage:

  • A.

    A human error made it impossible for Window users to access Microsoft update servers for five days.

  • B.

    Analysts question whether Microsoft really needs to offer 24-7 services.

  • C.

    A human error allowed Window users to have free access to Microsoft's update servers for five days.

  • D.

    A mechanical error allowed Window users to have free access to Microsoft's update servers for five days.

The high-tech vanguard of entertainment consumers who initiated a global music-swapping spree with the help of Napster a little over two years ago is branching out into television shows and movies. Napster's service was limited to music, and it was shut down last year after a federal judge found it liable for contributing to copyright infringement. But Morpheus enables users to trade files of any kind, and an increasing number of them are filled with copyrighted video entertainment.

According to the passage:

  • A.

    The use of both Napster and Morpheus was shut down last year for contributing to copyright infringement.

  • B.

    Unlike Napster, Morpheus can only be used for copyrighted video entertainment.

  • C.

    The high tech vanguard entertainment consumers refuse to accept Morpheus as a suitable substitute for Napster.

  • D.

    By using Morpheus, one is capable of trading different types of files, even copyrighted video entertainment.

A new computer worm masquerading as a software update from Microsoft Corp. is capable of deleting all files on the hard drive of an infected computer but has so far spread very slowly, an antivirus vendor said Monday. (, Jan. 2002) According to the passage, the virus:

  • A.

    was unintentionally sent by Microsoft itself in one of its updates.

  • B.

    is spreading with unprecedented speed.

  • C.

    has not so far spread at great speed.

  • D.

    was intentionally created by a Microsoft vendor

First-quarter profits for Apple Computer Inc. leaped 37 percent over last year, hitting Wall Street's expectations but falling short of the company's own revenue forecast as consumers held their breath for the release of the new iMac. The Cupertino company yesterday reported a net income of $38 million (11 cents per share) during the first quarter, up from last year's loss of $195 million (58 cents) during the same period. (SFChronicle, Jan. 2002)

According to the text, the net income for the first quarter was of:

  • A.

    195 million.

  • B.

    38 million.

  • C.

    58 cents per share.

  • D.

    233 million.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 15 to 17.

According to the text, in urban areas,

  • A.

    the risk of losses is minimum.

  • B.

    underwriting is illegal.

  • C.

    redlining would be acceptable.

  • D.

    expenses and losses are lower.

  • E.

    rates may exceed the average.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 18 and 19.

The use of the Internet to commit insurance frauds

  • A.

    is likely to occur.

  • B.

    began in 1999.

  • C.

    is unlikely to happen.

  • D.

    worries the government.

  • E.

    is avoidable.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 17 and 18.

U.K.'s Cox increases World Trade Center loss estimates

Cox Insurance, a leading Lloyd's underwriter and retail insurer, announced that additional claims from the WTC (World Trade Center) disaster have raised its loss estimates from $96.5 million to between $122.5 million and $180 million.

The announcement highlights the difficulty many insurers are facing in estimating the exact amount of the losses they may eventually pay as a result of the Sept. 11 attacks. More than four months after the devastation occurred, there's still a wide gulf in estimates of what the eventual cost will be. The highest figure is around $70 billion, while lower ones go down to $29 billion.

According to the author, the exact amount of the losses

  • A.

    is $70 billion.

  • B.

    has been paid by Cox Insurance.

  • C.

    will soon be announced.

  • D.

    has not been defined.

  • E.

    was calculated by Cox Insurance.

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