Lista completa de Questões sobre Vocabulário para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
In the previous text,
struggling (l.15) means challenging, attacking.
In the previous text,
the word bewildering (l.17) can be replaced by profusion or abundance with no change in meaning.
In the previous text,
counter (l.31) means argue against, respond to.
In the previous text,
selecting (l.38) is synonymous with picking out.
According to the established rules of phonetics and phonology of the English language, judge the items below.
In the pronunciation of the following words subtle, lamb, climb and thumb, the b is always silent.
According to the established rules of phonetics and phonology of the English language, judge the items below.
In the following words, the initial h is never silent: hate, hello, honest, history.
According to the established rules of phonetics and phonology of the English language, judge the items below.
The pronunciation of the verbal forms attached, disposed, needed, advanced, disturbed, and noted leads to the conclusion that there are only three possibilities for the edending pronunciation.
Judge the following items concerning subordinated structures.
Prices in Europe are so high that it costs a fortune to spend a month there is an example of a complex sentence.
Judge the following items concerning subordinated structures.
The mixed conditional in If John had followed his doctors advice, he wouldnt still be ill implies that John did not do what his doctor told him to, and that is why he is not well now.
Judge if each of the following items is correctly written.
The news of his spectacular achievements comes as a surprise to us.
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