Questões de Língua Inglesa da ACCESS Seleção

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da ACCESS Seleção para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The following sentences numbered from 1 to 6 are jumbled. Choose the one item which indicates their logical sequence in a paragraph:

1. And in Britain, the hit London musical "Jerry Springer - The Opera- includes a scene with Jesus Christ in a diaper admitting h's "a bit gay".

2. But the best-selling -The Da Vinci Code- has so irritated leading members of the Roman Catholic Church that one prominent prelate, the Archbishop of Genoa, last week mounted a public offensive debunking its lies.

3. It's only an airport thriller.

4. Chief among them: that Jesus fathered a daughter with Mary Magdalene.

5. Meanwhile, "The Da Vinci Code" keeps on selling.

6. "We're accustomed to this kind of persecution" it comes and goes," cardinal Martino told NEWSWEEK.

(from "Fighting for God" in Newsweek, March 28, 2005)

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


The technique which may not be considered as an effective reading strategy is:

  • A.

    previewing an article before reading it in order to have an overall view of its theme.

  • B.

    skimming for the main idea of the text.

  • C.

    plodding through a text in a word-by-word fashion, pausing often to consult a dictionary for lexical items that the leaner does not know.

  • D.

    scanning for detailed information.

  • E.

    drawing inferences from the reading text.

Choose the item which presents an incorrect statement about teaching reading skills.

  • A.

    Reading is a passive activity, with writing as the active counterpart.

  • B.

    The importance of background information for comprehension makes the strategies which teachers present for the purpose of reading-to-learn even more significant.

  • C.

    Authentic reading materials provide the best models of language.

  • D.

    It is recognized that "good readers" constantly make predictions about what they are reading while they are reading, and that these predictions are based on semantic, syntactic, and punctuation cues.

  • E.

    An approach based too exclusively on phonics will focus the student on decoding as reading, and will not encourage reading for meaning.

The item which presents an incorrect classification of the following subordinate clauses is:

  • A.

    "as the faithful gathered in Saint Peter's square" (lines 1 and 2) − adverbial clause of time.

  • B.

    "As Benedict saw it" (line 25) - adverbial clause of manner.

  • C.

    "What you saw in Italy" (line 29) - nominal relative clause.

  • D.

    "that have consequences in public policy and civil law" (lines 33 and 34) - restrictive relative clause.

  • E.

    "who founded his monastic order there in the sixth century" (lines 40 and 41) - restrictive relative clause.

Choose the preposition that correctly completes the prepositional verb in the sentence below:

"Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks, hold fast what is good, abstain _____ every form of evil" - wise words for all of us, whatever our doubts, whatever our faith.

(from Newsweek, March 28, 2005)

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


The following instruction refers to questions numbers 35 and 36 Choose the phrasal verb that correctly completes the sentence below.

There was, in short, no Jewish expectation of a messiah whose death and resurrection would _____ the forgiveness of sins and offer believers eternal life.

(adapted from Newsweek, March 28, 2005)

  • A.

    bring about

  • B.

    come about

  • C.

    give off

  • D.

    take off

  • E.

    carry away

The following instruction refers to questions numbers 35 and 36 Choose the phrasal verb that correctly completes the sentence below.

They are not going to get married at all. Their engagement has been _____.

(adapted from The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English)

  • A.

    put off

  • B.

    called off

  • C.

    called out

  • D.

    turned down

  • E.

    broken forth

In the text, chilly (line 4) means

  • A.

    quite warm.

  • B.

    very gloomy.

  • C.

    rather unfriendly.

  • D.


  • E.

    rather cold.

In the text, harbinger (line 13) means

  • A.

    a forerunner.

  • B.

    a legend.

  • C.

    a résumé.

  • D.

    a summary.

  • E.

    an overview.

In the text, bleak (line 42) means

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


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