Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação CESGRANRIO (CESGRANRIO)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação CESGRANRIO (CESGRANRIO) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Based on the meanings in the text, it is clear that

  • A. “sole” (line 9) and only express similar ideas.
  • B. “injured” (line 15) and hurt are antonyms.
  • C. “ensure” (line 21) and guarantee express contradictory ideas.
  • D. "subtle” (line 41) and obvious are synonyms.
  • E. “odds” (line 77) and probabilities do not have equivalent meanings.

The expression in boldface introduces the idea of consequence in the fragment:

  • A. “Yet, complying with regulations is not the real reason for working safely.” (lines 12-13)
  • B. “In order to do that, you must first understand what constitutes a hazard.” (lines 30-31)
  • C. “As a result of your safety training and meetings like these, some things may come to mind.” (lines 35-37)
  • D. “However, if there is an unlabeled chemical container and you have no idea what it is,” (lines 53-54)
  • E. "While nothing we do can completely eliminate the threat of an incident,” (lines 75-76)

According to the text, it is clear that the author

  • A. believes that labor risks cannot be reduced by team efforts and commitment.
  • B. expects to be kept informed of potential situations that may be dangerous.
  • C. considers the cooperation of workers an irrelevant measure to improve safety at work.
  • D. defends that corporate management is accountable for all issues regarding safety at work.
  • E. feels that co-workers’ suggestions are useless in identifying hazards in the work environment.

The author’s main purpose in Text I is to

  • A.

    expose some secret military plans to save water for the future.

  • B.

    alert about the harmful impact of water shortages in the future.

  • C.

    justify the war between Ethiopia and Egypt for a larger share of the Nile.

  • D.

    defend the high charges for use of water in agricultural areas in the Middle East.

  • E.

    complain about the inefficiency of international governments in dealing with water wars.

In terms of numerical reference in Text I,

  • A.

    1.4 million (line 13) refers to the number of people who have been involved in conflicts over water.

  • B.

    47% (line 17) refers to the percentage of countries in the world already facing water scarcity.

  • C.

    more than three billion people (line 19) refers to the number of people who might suffer from water shortage by 2025.

  • D.

    2009 (line 22) refers to the only year when Cyprus faced an unparalleled rise in temperature.

  • E.

    30-year horizon (line 59) refers to the period of time the financial crisis in Europe will last.

According to Professor Wouters, in Text I, paragraph 10 (lines 58-65),

  • A.

    Portugal and Spain are more worried about water shortage than about political and financial problems.

  • B.

    security issues regarding water problems have been somewhat put aside because of the economic crisis.

  • C.

    the agricultural sector is not really worried about the problems that may come up if the water resources dry up.

  • D.

    in the UK, the army is fully prepared to fight the countries interested in the British hydroenergy sources.

  • E.

    he military forces intend to overlook the serious challenges to control the oceans and rivers in the next decade.

According to the text, CMSE decided on May 30, 2012 to

  • A.

    upgrade thermoelectric energy to 4.000 MW.

  • B.

    reduce the amount of energy generated by thermoelectric plants in Brazil at this moment.

  • C.

    discuss with Minister Zimmermann about the cuts.

  • D.

    monitor the committee that is regulating the Electric Sector.

  • E.

    propose the creation of new sources of thermoelectric generation in Brazil at this moment .

In the text, the word in bold-face type is similar to the word/expression in italics in

  • A.

    prevent (line 8) – induce

  • B.

    outage (line 9) – abundance

  • C.

    drought (line 9) – lack of rain

  • D.

    dams (line 10) – river beds

  • E.

    resort (line 13) – throw

According to the text, the reduction of the thermoelectric power generation is justified because

  • A.

    Minister Zimmermann believes that the system security is a little fragile.

  • B.

    Minister Zimmermann is more worried about financial difficulties than about the power distribution.

  • C.

    the draught in the Northeast is worrying authorities.

  • D.

    the power system is operating with total security, granted the high levels of the reservoirs.

  • E.

    nearly 90% of the total financial resources have already been used.

According to the text, a consequence of the thermoelectric energy reduction is the

  • A.

    maintenance of quality programs.

  • B.

    enhancement in the quality of the hydroelectric generation.

  • C.

    perfect operation of the system.

  • D.

    generation of economic surplus that will enhance the quality of the energy sector.

  • E.

    possibility of the thermoelectric energy generation work on safer terms because of its smaller production.

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